Shelly Hopson

Name:  Shelly Hopson

Age: 37

What is your relationship to the BCD?

I Live/Commute in the BCD. Former manager at Oregon Spirit Distillers.  

What’s the one piece of advice you would give the BCD if it were a person?

I feel like if the BCD was a person, I’d need to give it some pretty strong affirmation!  You’re gonna be somebody! Keep your chin up!  I also feel like letting people know that while it may not be that nice to look at, it shouldn’t be intimidating to commute through.  While there are some areas that need to be attended to, the best way to bring awareness and attention to an area that needs improvement is to visit it, support those businesses that are already there, and provide positive solutions to the issues that might arise.  

What’s your hope for the BCD as it redevelops?

People!  I’d love to see my patio full of folks enjoying a cocktail, families walking & riding bikes…  I want the BCD to be a destination.  More businesses/attractions and  improving accessibility are, in my opinion, the way to achieve that.  Giving people the method and the reason to frequent the BCD is my hope!

What’s your fear for the BCD as it redevelops?

I do not fear the change, but I certainly hope that the change is done thoughtfully.  While we cannot pick and choose the businesses that will be making the BCD their home, I sincerely hope there is a way to be able to keep the area accessible to locally owned small businesses.  

How would you like to be remembered?

I really hope that I am remembered as an active participant in the vision and development of the BCD- Someone that has listened to all stories and thoughts, and help mold them into a viable, appealing, thriving part of Bend.